Absorber Leak Test Unit

Absorber Leak Test Unit


The Absorber Leak Test Unit, SR – CFL – WT1300 has the following features. Minimum Testing Time: 30 sec, Maximum Testing Pressure: 10 bar, Maximum Grid Length: 2350 mm, Maximum Grid Width: 1300 mm, Temperature Range: -5ο έως 45ο C, Compressed air pressure: 6-10 bar, Air Consumption: 35 lt/min, Machine weight: 250 kg, Machine overall size: 2700x1700x900 mm, Capable to test absorber frames with brazed nuts on the ends of the headers, Visual leakage points.


The Absorber Leak Test Unit, SR – CFL – WT1300 has the following features.

SR CFL WT 1300 right

Technical Features

  • Minimum Testing Time: 30 sec
  • Maximum Testing Pressure: 10 bar
  • Maximum Grid Length: 2350 mm
  • Maximum Grid Width: 1300 mm
  • Temperature Range: -5ο έως 45ο C
  • Compressed air pressure: 6-10 bar
  • Air Consumption: 35 lt/min
  • Machine weight: 250 kg
  • Machine overall size: 2700x1700x900 mm
  • Capable to test absorber frames with brazed nuts on the ends of the headers
  • Visual leakage points

SR CFL WT 1300 parallax

SR CFL WT 1300 left



The operator loads the tube frame on preset positions which may be adjusted for different tube frame sizes and then activates the machine.

The gripping system retains the frame and seals the openings of the headers.

Thereafter air testing begins.

The machine releases the tube frame once the testing ends and the operator manually removes it and loads a new one.

Required Manpower

Only one (1) person is required to operate, load and unload the machine.


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xaraktiristika eikonas
xaraktiristika eikonas
xaraktiristika eikonas